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Friday, September 30, 2011


 ok some of you are wandering whats the rarest items on aj well here they are freedom wings demon hat freedom cuffs and freedom masks  oh and  aj was made on may 2010 i sighed up in october 27  of that year  yea im this rare already  wait till this day next year ill be twice as rare as burrow feet A .K.A  one of the rarest jammers in aj  the others are avajade sweetness77 and other  jammers also COWSANDLIGHTBULBS IS SUPER NICE AINT A SCAMMER DARKTHUNDER U ............ RRRGGGH  PS SHADOWLESS IS A SCAMMER SPAM HIM OR WHAT EVER HE IS  HE SCAMMED ME NM WINGS A WHILE AGO  I GOT THE ONES I HAVE NOW FOR A RED GLOVE  ok thats all ppl

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


 guys no one knows what rares i truly have so here they are i have a *viking hat* nm wings  black cuffs yellow founders hat  green leaf neclace  red  leaf necklace  and lots o gloves a black frank mask wich  i will trade along with my green leaf neclace and  the rarest kind of glove and something els  for the item i have always dreamd of haveing  NM SCULL YEAAAA I NEVER HAD ONE before if i get one that would be awesome i want it as bad as wando wants a bat hat


boooooooooooo OK  when i went to pick my nm animals  THE CROC AND SSHARK AND DOLPHIN WER LOCKED  i guess they fixed the glich booooooooooo i love gliches  there awesome so i will chane my other wolf to tiger so i guess i will be a wolf and tiger till i get my next  membership  thats all


 guys listen  insted of you guys sending me a  a good rare when u use it  i want you guys to send me one of the rares you get while useing the hack so every time you get like 2 rares with the hack send me the next one  cuz i did a rely bad tradde the other day and i owe people some stuff decreasing me rare stack so do that  and everything will be okydoky and i might even post another one thats even better so yea thats all ps tiny dont if  you have to send me 2 good rares every 2 uses of this cuz  UR LIKE THE RARE QWEEN  thats all

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


 THIS GUY SAID *COME TO MY DEN TO GET SCAMMED* or something weird i did not go there cuz i was not on then but i did see cuz well i cant tell how but snowy paw 16 showed me when when it happend


 GUYS i have no idea of what to post next  tell me something in some post on what to post please


 my membership ova today  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! that stinks ok so i will post a pic of the nm animals i picked once i pick them hey vote while i have not picked

Monday, September 26, 2011


 GUYS listen to use that thing link i put first scroll  mous over it wateva you call it then you right click then click copy or go to address if clicked copy then go to your searcher thin then right click again and click past  here is another link thing AGAIN ONLY FOR PEOPLE WITHOUT SOME RAES if you have lots o rares exampal tinydog98 gotheart and my buddy  kittypup6 and snowyclaw exampals of people that should use it rolly08 my  friend snowypaw16 and lets see rubbin99 can use it without sending me a rare and wando20 so can snowyclaw he so cool oh and tinydog98 you can use without sending me a rare but i suggest you do send me a rare cuz theres another link wich i will not post unless you send me 2 good rares on dragontiger123 achuwolly  send all rares to have to send to me send them to dragontiger123 incase you did not know what acount to send it to. if you have lots o rares  and  use this  you have to send me a good rare. intructions download it and use it

Sunday, September 25, 2011


  ifyour wondering how to use my previous link scroll over it  then click go to address

here it is



 guys im thinking of changing this blog address should leave commets if i should or should not im serious  i really might change it so say  yes or no 


 ok if that other link did not hep at all for any of u i will make another one and this time trust me it will work but i wont post it so fast like all the other ones so be patiant

poo pa

ok here is the link THE KING THE MOST AWESOME OF AWESOME warrning may get u anything if you dont have the correct stuff like it might not work for mac here is the link

Saturday, September 24, 2011

hoog al flap

IM MAD TELL GOTHHEART OR WHOEVER I SENT MY ANGEL HAT BACK I ONLY SENT IT CUZ I THOUGHT SHE WAS HACKED BUT IT TURNS OUT SHE WAS NOT I FOUND THIS OUT THREW SNOWYPAW16 thank you snowy anyway if kelly83099 has it  i would let her keep it but  SHE MADE SOME OF MY BUDIES DELETE ME SO tell her to send it back.Snowy paw also told me that gothheart is kelly83099 or something point is  I WANT MY ANGEL HAT BACK AND WHEN I GO ON ANIMAL JAM IT BETTER BE THERE IN MY MAIL BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


listen  once it is october 21 i will still use dragontiger123 but not as much as i will use my new one. ok thats all

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


 ok guys sorry but i problable won't play aj till the 21 of october  no i am not susspended or banned  so  i cant even play a diffrint acount but when i do play again i will no longer use dragontiger123 i will use a diffrint one sorry but i  will only tell my friends on aj or i can tell u if you send me a   rare on there i dont care what rare aslong as its rare. ok thats all se ya

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blok bloods

Guys yes it's true membership is going to delete sadly so I put a post of wich animals I should be when I am nm


Ok listen if you wanna get any rare you want I have just the hack or site wateva listen it is called mega up loder ok I know I'll put a link to it later just wait until then


Guys listen I don't scam beleave me I don't so if someone says I do THeY LIE


Oh shoot gothheart was hacked really bad right yes super bad so send her rares plz I sent her my angel helmet yes me I did it's just I really don't like it when good people are hacked. Guys send her rares ps if she wasn't really hacked well then I'm mad. Ok that's all

Saturday, September 17, 2011


bad I got susspended like snowyclaw for 3 days boo! so I can't play till the 18 of this month yea that's all for now


OK  listen leave a comment telling me what coursors you wanna see on this blog i can get anyone you want so just ask

Friday, September 16, 2011


ok we just got word that on the 30 of this month there will be somthing new and there might be a new animal or pet sometime after that day

Thursday, September 15, 2011


 OK check it this is a awesome pic of a dragon

l li lin link

ok guys here is a link to a cool site try it out


Ther here Oceans yay!!!!!! and gloves are gone maby FOREVER ha ha no anyway sharks and dolphins are here yep and in 2 days in the 17 of this month there will be another new thing how I know this not telling but snowyclaw dose so ask him and someone dose know don't tell cuz it my secret yep anyway I will put a new poll soon so vote soon yep I like saying yep yep yep yep XD ok if there is anything I should do a post about leave a comment telling me to post it ok that's all for now.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


ok so gloves leave stores tommorow so get them while they are there andt also means  OCEANS COME TOMMOROW YAY!!!!  but sadly iamcool2c2 quits aj that day i will miss her. AND the sharks and dolphins come 2 days after the oceans come so yea thats all for now

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

B day

My b day is coming it's almost here my b day is october 29 plz send my gifts thx


I'm gOing to start posting more cuz there isn't slot so yes and I will alot of editing soon so Don't worry


As you can see the blog will no longer be black and crocked and I will change it with each holiday or holiday month


ok first off the oceans come in the 15 and the shark and dolphin come the 17 Robots will take over (-_- " XD just kiddin but seriously Don't scam it is wrong.yes this is random news put commets and tell me what you want to see on this blog


ok anu mean or inopropreite commets will be deleted ok so thats it


ok anu mean or inopropreite commets will be deleted ok so thats it


ok guys I gonna start making bgs leave a comet if you want me to make you one and tiny dog I'm gonna make you one so awesome it will blow your mind

Thursday, September 1, 2011


gloves are finaly back so many ppl are probably mad cuz of this because they already had gloves as their only rares. I am no exception  see when i logged on someone said a purple glove for my red legendary glove I WAS RLY RLY mad so ppl with gloves I feel sorry for u . ps I will put a pic of the gloves soon.